Rabu, 04 Agustus 2021

Ergebnis abrufen Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media (Representations & Reflections, Band 4) Bücher

Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media (Representations & Reflections, Band 4)
TitelGendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media (Representations & Reflections, Band 4)
Seiten229 Pages
Dateigröße1,369 KB
EinstufungOpus 192 kHz
Veröffentlicht4 years 6 months 4 days ago
Dauer49 min 55 seconds

Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media (Representations & Reflections, Band 4)

Kategorie: Feinschmecker & Gourmet, Kochen nach Art der Zubereitung
Autor: Tieghan Gerard, Thorsten Farwald
Veröffentlicht: 2017-01-31
Schriftsteller: Slavka Bodic
Sprache: Chinesisch, Malayalam, Kanaresisch, Niederländisch, Japanisch
Format: Kindle eBook, Audible Hörbücher
ZiF-Mitteilungen 1 (2021) - 01.03.2021 ... 7 Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights ... 35 The Anechoic Chamber: Construction and Reception of Silence in Language, Literature, and ... and media, linguistics, computational audiovisual processing, and data science. ... are also particularly gendered (Durueke 2021; Goemann 2009).
Rundbrief 03/2015 vom 20. Februar 2015 - 20.02.2015 ... Der Interdisziplinäre LAGEN-Doktorand_innentag Gender Studies findet ... movement of gendered bodies in transnational arenas, whether through ... participants to be creative in the construction and presentation at this session. ... what your institution offers in terms of audiovisual support and travel funds.
Legal Drama and Audiovisual Translation: The Role of Legal English in the Construction of Stereotyped Representations - Considering the overwhelming amount of media products that we are subjected to in the 21st century and the way in which those inevitably influence our perception of reality, this research pays specific attention to the role of the media in the construction and enhancement of stereotypes in everyday life, via the language or, more specifically, specialized languages. In particular, this paper aims to investigate an American legal TV series in order to analyze the way in which legal English is used in dialogues. The major research questions are: to what extent such a kind of specialized discourse may be really understood by the greater audience? How does legal drama participate in the shaping of stereotypes relating to the legal environment in the country where it is produced, and cross-culturally, bearing in mind the prominence of “made in the USA” products in the television programming across the world? Ultimately, in the light of the previous questions, should the growing field of research in audiovisual
BIBLIOGRAPHY - Bibliographien deutscher Veröffentlichungen zur englischen Romantik 1995-2015 Jahresbibliographie 1995 Bödeker, B.. "Der deutsche Burns: Zur Kanonisierung von Robert Burns in Deutschland im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert". In: A. Poltermann (Hrsg.). Literaturkanon - Medienereignis - Kultureller Text: Formen interkultureller Kommunikation und Übersetzung. Berlin, 1995, 79-91. Draudt, M.. "Lord Byron, Charles Mathews, and The Corsair". In: M. B. Raizis (Hrsg.). Byron and the Mediterranean World: Proceedings of the 20th International Byron Conference. Athens, 1995, 165-176. Fischer, H.. "Nachwort". In: H. Fischer (Hrsg.). John Keats: Werke und Briefe. Stuttgart, 1995, 457-479. Gassenmeier, M.. Romantic Visions and Revisions of a New World: The Relevance of Romanticism for Teaching and Studying English Literature. Essen, 1995. ----. "Lord Byron's Aquatic Experience; or, the Politics of Aquamania". In: M. B. Raizis (Hrsg.). Byron and the Mediterranean World: Proceedings of the 20th International Byron Conference. Athe
Talks & Presentations | Skadi Loist - The International Circulation of National Cinemas and Audiovisual Content: The ... “Using a Feminist and Inclusive Approach for Gender Identification in Film Research. ... NECS 2019 “Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times”, ... “Gendered Media Industries: Arguments for an Equal and Diverse Film Industry.
Research Projects – Cornelia Goethe Centrum - Gendered career-choices of transnational migrants: the case of post-soviet Korea Migration studies ... Kunstpädagogik, Gender Studies email. ABSTRACT.
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - 15.03.2016 ... Gender Studies Fachschaftsinitiative, GEO 47, 1.06, Tel. 2093-46212 ... Feminist Construction of Power in Literature (englisch). 2 SWS. SE. Di. 14-16 ... Fulke Greville: Mustapha (1587-1609, with later revisions). John Mason: ... Gendered Policies and Practices of Food Sovereignty (englisch). 2 SWS. SE. Mi.
Publications — University of Oldenburg - ... “Section I: Recent Ireland: Visions and Revisions from the 1990s to Today. ... Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media.
Dr. phil. Matthias Eitelmann | ENGLISH LINGUISTICS - 23.03.2021 ... Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual ... „Playing the Wilde Card: Der Prozess Oscar Wilde in literarischer Revision“.
Proceedings of the 10th European Feminist Resear - 15.09.2018 ... Constructing Solidarity Across Difference in Feminist Encounters .. 18 ... Negotiating Gender and Sexuality: Representations, ... zenship and multicultural contexts (Łódź, 2006), gendered cultures in knowledge ... changes brought about not only by women's and sexual-liberation movements.
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